The Red and Green

Yesterday didn't get a lot better after I posted the blip.
I put things into the panniers and then pulled them out again, then put them in again and pulled them out again, forever trying to minimise the volume.

I try to have a method with the packing in that cycling stuff goes into one pannier and leisure stuff into the other one. The rack bag has the repair tools and the barbag has cycling glasses, raincoat, maps and usually my purse, except I'm taking a small rucksack with my camera, notebook, and phone, and this will also take my passport, purse and chargers.
That's the theory anyway.

By the time I went to bed my brain was on overtime. Not only was I thinking if I had forgotten any thing, but my grey matter went off at a tangent wondering where were certain things that I had packed for the Dower House.
It's a bit like the game where you have to identify which box contains the item you want. Although most of the boxes are labelled, there are some small boxes that contain a myriad of little things that you suddenly need to find.

It all became too much and because sleep seemed to elude me, I decided to get up and grace the gym at an hour when some young people were still wending their way home from their night out.
I have to admit I did have a lie down on my return home.

Since then I have checked the bike over, had my hair cut, vacuumed, had a coffee in the land of flowers and humphed 5 armfuls of books (heavy), a doll's house, a doll's cot and a painted box down 2 flights of stairs from the turrets because daughter#4 is planning on coming through from Glasgow while we're away to collect them.
This latter exercise puts my time on the step machine into the shade.

That leaves the Euros, the washing and the flower watering until tomorrow.

A bright spot on today's horizon is the inauguration of life.turns at Inspace tonight.
I hope to be there and stay awake.

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