Me and Max

By grete

Father And Son

He is home from work now, and will be for the next 6 months. Norwegian fathers are privileged that way. With paid leave, they can get to know their newborns on equal terms as the mothers. Between them, parents are granted a full year with full pay. This is Norwegian economy at the moment. And attitude. A good country in that respect.

I am grateful.

For I see the special bond that grows between them. They are mates. Both beaming. Both full of life. Of adventure. The little one constantly discovering a new world. The older one constantly rediscovering. As well as moving into completely new territory. Becoming that grown up man. Becoming that father.

The never ending story. Father and son becomes father and son. Becomes father and son. Becomes father and son.

The curiosity. The adventure. The love.

Yes. Most of all this. The love.

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