Life At 60°

By Lifeat60Degrees

Out in the Sun!

According to the blipfoto guru's I mention rain 114% more than the average Blipfoto journal. I'd better try and address the balance a little but it probably sums up the summer so far.

Anyway today there was another cruise liner in town with Southern European being the predominant accents. The rain stayed away all day allowing one of the small cafe's in the street to take advantage of the sun and have tables and chairs outside. Generally the locals are the ones without jackets and the tourists are those with (but not always!)

The interesting thing about the Fudge Company in the background is that they make Puffin Poo. Asda tried to block the registering of the name Puffin Poo as they have their own Puffin biscuits (presumably a take on penguins). the courts however found in favour of the Fudge Company.

Just realised I've mention the wet stuff from the sky twice in this blip so that should increase the average.

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