Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Kitty update.

Felix has been a lot better today after giving us all such a fright yesterday. We do wonder if he maybe had a wee stroke though and the vet did warn us before that this was quite likely.

However he's following me around the house again and not obviously staggering when he walks which is good. He's even tapping me on the shoulder or leg (depending on whether I'm sitting or standing, he's not that tall!) again when he thinks he's not getting enough attention so that has to be a good sign!

This is him pretending not to be on my bed - he managed a couple of hours kip here before mum rumbled him and he was duly evicted. She's not being mean, its his own fault, if he didn't have the tendancy to suddenly vomit wherever he is this would be overlooked far more often!
He looked so peaceful here though, I just pretended I didn't know....

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