Just Simply Loving!

By nursingchronicl


This virus called, Varicella Zoster causes unbelievably annoying itchy red dots all over my body (thus, oatmeal warm showers, calamine lotion, and anti-histamines are clever!),  forces me to wear a face mask (nasty bugs travel airborne), and massively propels me to crave nothing but "dark" chocolate (to be specific)!  :)) How quirky is that?

My medical records show that I had the vaccine last year.  My GP states that a generalized rash will not be too bad.  I hope and pray he's right.  Surprisingly, I'm feeling really good.  Temperature and other vital signs are within normal limits.  

The sun had a short visit today and so took the opportunity to aerate the house.  Done with a couple loads of laundry, some reading and smooth jazz..... and the "dark" chocolate  of course was a real indulgence!  This was lunch and dinner for me.

Thank you to those well-wishers to yesty's blip.  You are very loving people and I appreciate you all very much!  God bless your hearts!

Have a good night, friends!

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