
By Sn2

Passive Resistance

A funny thing occured to me the other night. I realised even though I didn't have to do any work that evening (as in day job work) I was unable to just sit at my desk and play with my trains for a bit. I sat there and looked at the project I have on the go just now. It's a NZR guards van kitset. I pushed it around the work area for a bit, but didn't feel comfortable.

I felt guility, in fact. Bloody hell.

So I fired up my work laptop and got a couple of things done. Wrote a few design briefs, did a bit of drawing...

Once I'd done that I was "able" to spend an hour or so on my guards van. How do we do that to ourselves? I can sit and watch DVD's rather than work in the evening because that is passively not working. But model building is actively not doing day-job work.

Tonight is the last night The Lovely Ange and I have together for a bit. She is off up to see an old friend who is about to drop a sprog. She has to see it to believe it. So I figured playing with my trains in solitude wasn't the best way to spent time just then. Besides, I will have four evenings alone to play with my trains to my heart's content. Bet I just do work.

On to the picture. Here's my desk with its trains and that thing off to the right is my work laptop, which seems to be the culprit. Actually, I'm the culprit.

Mental. Never said I wasn't, but I wish it wasn't so damned obvious.

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