Lets Hear It for Jumperoo

39 weeks + 6

Katie felt very sad that jumperoos have been not feeling the blip-love recently, so told me that she wanted to blip her morning jumperoo time....

Katie is incredible fun at the moment, every day recently has been particularly special, she's got a wicked sense of humour developing, a huge smile and such an infectious giggle.

It's been a great day, we went to "tea and toast" this morning after her nap and she crawled around with a little one the same age as her. After she ate a really good lunch, we went with friends to look after another friends toddler. He slept for the whole time we were there but our three kids had a fab play. They live on the same street as Katie's cousins, so we went to see them after. Katie went HYPER. She was so excited to see them, they're some of her favourite people in the world. She was bouncing away like crazy, performing all her tricks and songs - Wind the Bobbin Up and If You're Happy and You Know it are the new additions to her portfolio of action songs!

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