This day

By snapper

Some can't see the light!

Today I had to do the job I hate the most while here: its going round the various trades, shops etc asking them for raffle prizes. To be fair, out of the 20 places I visited only one moaned and gave me grief and another said they were fed up getting requests so they have given money to do one single good cause for the place. Fair enough.

The guy who moaned and let off steam forgets that our crew on visiting his shop would spend more than the value of some small raffle donation except now they won't be going there! My granny used to say, "be nice to those you meet on your way may well meet them on your way back down"! wise words. Still its done and to all those traders who gave without so much as a grouse I say thank you.

A beautiful day here so the picture is of Pladda Lighthouse yet another built by the famous Stepohenson family.

I sat on the beach for a while but I get bored easily but I still didnt want to join the rest as all they were doing was dramming in the bar and I find that boring and expensive! each to his own I say.

Have a good remaining bli day all

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