
By sailfish

Brooding sky

I had a great day today, went down to Eyemouth, with S, to dive the wreck of the Boyne Castle. A few friends, including Cyclops, were down for a couple of scenic dives too.

The Boyne Castle is about 10 miles offshore, it took us an hour to get to the wreck, as we traveled the swell got up a bit so kitting up was interesting. S and I were the only girls on the boat & we decided to get off last. Most of the guys were on rebreathers and we thought they'd have a much longer run time than us. One of the chaps very kindly helped us get kitted up with our twin 10 litre cylinders plus two 7 litre stages. S is very petite, once she's got that lot on, all you can see is a pair of feet sticking out from a pile of cylinders. Having hauled ourselves upright, we were helped to stagger off the boat!

It was a great dive, the vis was excellent. We did a couple of circuits of the bridge area, spotted the ships telegraph (first time I've seen one on a wreck) and generally had a nosey around. We'd planned a 20 minute bottom time, at 15 minutes we found ourselves all alone on the wreck - the guys had all started their ascent.

Back on the surface the wind had freshened and we had a lumpy ride home, no tea & cake. This black cloud followed us part of the way. Back in Eyemouth we met up with Team Cyclops for a cuppa, a chat and to fill cylinders. All in all a very successful day, 1st trimix dive of the year for both me and S.

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