Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff

Mountain biking

Took to the trails just after nine this morning. The pub closed at 01:30, we said goodnight to the barmaids as they locked the door behind us. Not the best start. Needless to say was was breathing out my arse quite soon and we powered along the trails around Loch Morlich, Lochan Eilean and the Rothiemurchus estate. After about thirty miles, a coffee and some cake we ended up back at the pub at 2 had a couple of pints and quickly realised thta we were in danger of sliding into an abyss so we cycled 6 miles to Boat Of Garten, had a pint, and cycled back,. Met a couple of friends of one of the boys... had a couple of pints and went back to the hostel. All in all just over 40 miles off road. Good effort all told.

Can't remember what this little loch is called but proof if proof was needed that Scotland scrubs up well.

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