Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium



Firstly, apologies for the gap before this blip. It had to happen sometime and I was just so busy in the run-up to my holiday that I didn't get a chance to take photos. In some ways it's a relief to finally miss a few, takes the pressure off a bit. Work is going to be absolutely hectic over the next few weeks so it'll be good to look at the stats page and not see "the likelihood of you posting an image tomorrow is 100%"! I'll still try to post every day, but I won't worry if I can't. Hopefully that'll mean the quality of the shots will be higher too :)

In saying that, this is a pretty shoddy quality photo, but I had to post it because it summed up our day. We drove from my boyfriend's parents' house just outside Bradford this morning and made our way to Folkestone (via several traffic jams). We're staying here tonight before getting the channel tunnel to France in the morning. At about 8pm we headed out to look for a restaurant, and everything was shut! There was a Wetherspoons that appeared to be serving food, but it seemed that every roudy drunk in the county had descended on it so we didn't fancy that. We even tried two pubs to see if they sold crisps and they didn't! In desperation I asked one of the barmen if there was anywhere in the town we could eat; his response was "yeah, bit annoying isn't it?".

Very annoying, yes! I thought that with the number of people they must get through every year on their way to the tunnel there would be loads of places to eat, but apparently not, especially not after 8pm. Eventually someone suggested that this fish and chip place might still be open and we were in luck (if you can call it that). I ordered egg and chips but there were no eggs so a plate of chips it was.

Anyway, rant over, I won't be going back. This painting of Princess Diana amused us :)

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