Festival Lights

Our move to the Dower House has been on the cards for four months now, with one more to go, and His Lordship and I are begining to wilt under the pressure of a certain amount of inaction.
We've finished most of the throwing out stage, but we can't move on until we get the keys to the new house. And so we make endless lists and plans without being able to put any of them into action.

We tend to blame this lull in the proceedings for our general inertia and our lacklustre feelings. We have to force ourselves to live as though we didn't have this enormous upheaval on the horizon, but it is hard.

This morning, instead of turning over and going back to sleep when I woke at some ungodly hour, I made myself get up and visit the gym in a vain attempt to get fit and lose the description thoughtlessly given to me by his Lordship of looking like Humpty Dumpty. I admit there could be a vague resemblance, but I would prefer not to provide him with that ammunition.

My reward was to cycle home in the silence of early morning with streamers of pink cloud trailing over a pale blue sky.
Unfortunately the next time I surfaced, all had disappeared behind a thick grey ceiling, with the threat of light rain to come.

As I walked into town to indulge in more retail therapy in the land of knickers, I blipped this view of the roof of the Festival Theatre.
I've had it in the blipbank for several weeks and always thought it looked good with a blue sky up top, but seeing the results today, made me think it looked more like the rigging of a ship.

Now it's time to visit my good-friend-of-long-standing to mull over our week with a cup of coffee and hopefully a biscuit....... negates the sweaty gym calories, but hey, you only live once and maybe Humpty Dumpty is a better description than Mrs Twiggy...... isn't it?

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