Christie's Daily Photo

By Christie

Trix 5K Run

Emily, Gracie and I got up this morning and headed to Lodi to run in the 17th Annual Trix Run at Lodi Lake. We hadn't done this run before but have done several others at Lodi Lake and really like running there. It's so much more scenic than some of the runs we've done that take us down long city streets. Gracie is a natural runner and I've been running nearly every day for the past year. Emily has a lot of feet problems which may be the reason she's a swimmer and not a runner, but she gamely comes along and does these 5ks with us without a complaint. Gracie ended up with a second in her age division and I got a first today in my age division--not my best time, but I was pretty happy with it. This run is sponsored by General Mills and they had lots of General Mills snacks/treats/cereal to give away to participants.

We headed home and got ready for church as Doug left for work. After church we went to Target and Office Depot for two last minute items for school--Josie starts tomorrow and the other kids start on Tuesday. Then I took Emily to Lodi to spend the day with her friend Mari.

I picked up Emily from Mari's and dropped her off at the park for Group Games with her youth group. Gracie, Jack and I ate at home while Josie and Grant ended up being invited to eat with Vivianna and her brothers. Then it was showers and bedtime for Jack while I ran over to pick up Emily.

It's hard to believe that our summer has come to an end. It's back to the hustle and bustle of school and all that go with it.

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