36 weeks

In this photo, I am sat in true "expectant first time mum" style, gazing in awe at the cot that sits in the nursery before me. Sat down, I looked like I had a really decent bump!

Baby had been engaged for over 2 weeks by this point, and the midwife and hospital were convinced she was on her way, I'd been told to pack my bags, which I had. We'd been praying from 34 weeks that she'd hold on just 3 more weeks, as much as I wanted to meet her (and not have to go to the toilet every hour in the night!) I wanted her to be all well and healthy, particularly as she was still measuring a bit behind the dates, sizewise.

Everytime I went to the hospital, they told me 'we'll make you another appointment, but I really dont' think you'll be needing it'...

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