Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo

My home away from home :)

I have very mixed feeling right now. The boys just went to their Dad's for the next 2 weeks - it is always hard to let them go for such a long time. It is only once a year but I never get used to it. They are fine and are going to have a great time...its just me that doesnt like it :)

On the other hand...I am taking off on my bike trip in about a half hour. And Im very excited about this trip :) I am taking the ferry to Copenhagen, meeting Annette there and then we are biking to Berlin - 650 km. It is flat and will be fun :) I love travelling by bike - very meditative, calming and a great way to be very present where ever I happen to be.

I will be taking photos and hopefully uploading to Blip every few days. Or using my iphone....I hope you will excuse me, but wont be commenting much at all - I wont have my PC with me. I will try to catch up with everyone when I get back :)

I hope you all have a nice couple of weeks!

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