
By flying

Garden Delights

Fine drizzle greeted us today but it wasn't long before the sun was shining.
The ground was soggy and made squishy sounds beneath my feet as I wandered round the garden. Some plants were drenched from the rain and others had little droplets hanging from them but most seem to look quite refreshed, reaching for the sunlight.

The spring bulbs are all up and the buds on the camellias are forming, it won't be long and the daphne will be filling the air with its fragrance - oh the delights of the garden.

Lots of moss growing between the cracks of our cobbles and on the sleepers, lovely vibrant green and fungi have made a home amoungst it.
The birds are still visiting the garden in great numbers: blackbirds, wax-eyes, fantails and sparrows being the main ones.

I found this little leaf and admired the colours with its slight lilac tinge, a little different from the browns and golds we are currently seeing.

Have a great weekend :)

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