Swing Park

I have been a bit under the weather today. Mum ended up sleeping with me last night because I had a temperature. This morning my temperature was still high and my cheeks were very red. I keep wincing when I eat, the most likely explanation is that I've got a sore throat. Mum had to drive to Inverness for a meeting today. She didn't want to leave me, but I was fine really and counted to thirteen to show her that I was okay.

Despite my temperature and listlessness I had a lovely day with PapaNan. We went into Glasgow to get Papa's suit for Auntie Katie's wedding. We visited the Disney Store - Gran bought something, but I wasn't allowed to see what it was (wonder if it could be a birthday present for me?!). Then we went to Uncle Ben and Auntie Margaret's. Auntie Margaret gave me beans and then ice cream - two of my favourite things.

But the best bit of the day was when Dad picked me up and took me to the swing park. Mum came and met us there and we had a lovely time in the sunshine.

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