Christie's Daily Photo

By Christie

Hair Donation

Our day was off to an early start as Josie needed to be at the orthodontist by 8:15 am. After her monthly tightening, we headed over to drop Emily off at the church for the youth group trip to Santa Cruz. After a quick run through Smart N Final, we dropped Gracie off at Lauren and Jon's house to help babysit Banner (their puppy) while Lauren and Jon were in Santa Cruz with the youth group. Home to mop the entryway and then on the treadmill for a little run-time. Vivienna and her brothers came over to play for awhile.

Jack and I picked Gracie up early afternoon to take her for her hair cut. She decided she was going to cut off some hair to donate to Pantene's Program for cancer patients. Locks of Love requires 10" yet Pantene only requires 8". . .sooo. . .she went with the Pantene program. This blip shows her holding her donation. Her hair is still shoulder length and she's able to put it into a ponytail; it'll just take some getting used to on her part as her hair had gotten really long! She's really happy with her new side bangs. She went back to dog sitting after her haircut.

Jack and I went to Big Lots after dropping her off and got some fun snacks for lunches as school starts on Tuesday. We'll pick Gracie up around 6:30 and then home to wait for Emily's return to the church around midnight. She has orientation at Lodi High early tomorrow morning; she will be one tired chickee.

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