Wendy's World

By Wendles56

Lifeturns Sue

You know schools are interesting places once summer break arrives. Those of us who need a day or two to clear up at the beginning of the holiday arrive in our jeans, rediscover friends we haven't seen in a year and generally do all those jobs which require no brain cells and involve a lot of throwing out. There's that filing cabinet I haven't opened in a year - does that mean I don't need to go through the contents because they have been of no use to me for 12 months - can I just empty them en masse into the recycling box? There are all those staples to be removed from walls, post-its I never responded to binned, cruddy cups to return to the kitchen etc etc. Actually, if it wasn't for the kids, we'd get a lot of work done!

The Associate Staff have been in training on the new management system (yawn) and Sue our cheery receptionist kindly agreed to be blipped in front of the mountain of exercise books which has appeared in the entrance hall. Friday breaktimes normally sees me on duty here, catching up with Sue on 'Lost' (now sadly finished) or my latest blip. She was very keen to go international with life.turns, so here she is, thanks Sue - Happy Summer!

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