Waxeye, Zosterops lateralis
I tried a different strategy with the waxeyes today. I quietly walked to within two metres of the apple on a stick and stood there boldly in the open, camera at the ready. After only a few seconds I had a customer. This was the best of several shots. The others were of her little fluffy rear.
Yesterday while I was away all the bird feeders were emptied, which was surprising. I recharged them this morning and was amazed at the response. Twice the usual number of house sparrow appeared, and the big flock of waxeyes is back. They were hungry. The blackbird was taking a turn at the grain feeder with the sparrows and dunnocks.
The bellbird was desperately sampling the bread and the fat. I took pity on her and put a little honey water into one of the picked-out apple skins. She returned to it again and again. I'll have to set up a proper feeder for her.
Meanwhile, the song thrush has begun singing in earnest, marking out his territory. He's starting small- about 25-30 square metres, which includes my house. Perhaps he will extend it if there are no challengers.
Good in large.
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