
By PlanW

Are you going to Scarborough Fair?

Nope - can barely get out my chair.

Miserable day weatherwise, average day work-wise, annoying meeting, dealing with eejits. Got some serious high heidyins coming to town next week, need 'executive' cars to pick em up. The PA dealing with it told me she's waiting for a recommendation of a car firm from our head office ..... in Boston! and no, not Boston Lincolnshire, Boston Massadoodah in the USA of America. Do these people have no initiative? Why would you expect someone over there to know a car firm over here when half of the people I deal with over there think that Edinburgh is in London??

Fell asleep when I came home from work, woke up at 9pm. Missed the first Celebrity Masterchef ('SHARTIN DOESN'T GET MORE COCKNEEEEEE THAN THIS'). Wasn't going to bother with a blip but had a word with myself and went out in the garden just before 10pm to 'knock one out'.

Just turned the telly on, caught the last 5 mins of The Dukes of Hazzard fillum. I've got my Daisy Duke cut-offs on, I tell you it was like looking in the mirror.

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