I spy with my little eye

By roaminaround

Let Glasgow Flourish

This afternoon we headed for a wander around the West End of Glasgow and ended up in the Botantic gardens. It has been many years since I have visited these gardens and they are just as lovely as I remember them from my regular visits from years ago. I often visited them when I worked in a Childrens Home in Glasgow and the sights and sounds always pleased the kids.

We are very lucky with the attractions we have in Glasgow, the majority of which are free, we often take these sights for granted and forget other cities charge for theirs.

THe Kibble Palace has been restored in recent years. thanks to lottery grants, but it has been part of Glasgow since 1873. Generations have wandered through the hot houses, drinking in the sights and smells of exotic plants and flowers from far away lands.

I took plenty of pics of strange and unusual plants and flowers but it was the light that shone through the petals in these begonias that caught my eye.

Let Glasgow continue to florish for many generations to come!

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