This day

By snapper

Dentist's suck!

Had an appoinment with doom this morning! I am generally surefooted, confident and headstrong, but put me in a dentist chair and I turn into a quivering wreck

What is it with these guys? I go into the surgery and am confronted with a handsome swarthy looking guy, then the minute you are in that chair... he lunges at you with that 6inch prick thing with a hook on the end and sticks it in your gob and straight away bingo! he hits a nerve, tuts, pokes a filling, tuts some more, then the worst of all he begins to pick away at your gums. By this time I am beside myself with pain and this handsome swarthy guy in the bloody devil incarnate two inches from your rapidly expanding face so close you can count his nose hair and squeeze his zits with your teeth (should he leave any in your head)

You squirm in the chair and yes what is it with these chairs? Years ago the dentist loomed over you but he did so standing on his own two feet, now the buggers feel they need to sit down so they tip the dam chair till its almost vertical and your udders are about to defy gravity unless they are held in by the best that M&S can buy!

Next he shoves this big pink thing in your mooth that is so cold your brain almost freezes, then he stands there and keeps pressing it againt the roof of your aching mouth while he talks to his pretty assistant about molars, incisors and canines, soon you feel like the prize specimen for Crufts!

Then he makes small talk with you while his fist is in your gob up to his elbow and expects a comprehensive answer from you as to where you were for your holidays, what the weather was like, was the food good (obviously it was good otherwise I wouldnt be there with broken teeth)

Then after all that he tips you forward like something out of a pinball machine and spits you onto the floor and tells you cheerily to come back in a months time so he can get to work on you!!! What the Hell has he just been doing for the past 20 minutes?

Like I said....dentis's suck!

Have a good and painfree evening all

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