A Canterbury Tail

By Canterbury

CC1J Conveyor

I mentioned the tripper on this conveyor before. It is fitting to me that my last blip from Gladstone should be from the tripper halfway along CC1J conveyor.

I am about 8 storeys up looking down at one of the coal unloading conveyor belts from the trippers perspective. The tripper directs coal off the conveyor belt into the desired stockpile below. The coal on the ground in the left hand section of the photo shows coal that has been delivered from this tripper. The coal has been flattened out by bulldozers to make a base for the new stockpile.

CC1J conveyor travels into the distance covering 3 stockpiles. The belt covers about 1.5 kilometres. Beyond the unloading belt you can see the shiploader.

I'm back at my flat, had a shower and all set to get on the plane out of here. Just time for this blip and to apologise that this is not another piece of industrial machinery at sunset. You'll have to settle for industrial machinery at midday instead.

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