Around the Block

By Barrioboy

Summer Reading

'Don't worry, Mum, it's only me', I said, as I moved through the ferns behind her sunbed and eased my lens into position somewhere beside her left ear. Such are the inconveniences of going on holiday with two blippers! Yesterday, as Mum sat on a bench in the centre of the village, with two professional cameras shooting her simultaneously from one high and one low angle, she exclaimed to all within earshot, 'I work for Vogue!' At least she can laugh about it, and said she would miss her private paparazzi on her return to Largs.

The book is The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, which took the publishing world by storm a few years ago, and is set in Barcelona. I read it in Castillian last year and it is a cracking good story. This is page 455 (of 505) in this edition, so don't read too closely if you intend to pick it up any time soon!

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