Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Favourite Things

I fear I am losing my blipping mojo :) I blame the weather. More rain today - very heavy at times and more forecast. This means I am denied my evening walks and exercise and confined to the office during the day. Not much to blip and even my flowers look pitiful in the rain. The light is so terrible both indoors and out. Wish the weather would buck up a little!

So in the picture is my arm, now adorned with not one, but two identical silver bracelets. Him indoors bought one of them about 3 years ago. I loved its simple design. About 18 months ago, I lost it. I don't often lose things and am annoyed when I do. And it was pretty. Never fear him indoors bought me another, exactly the same to replace the first one!

Now guess what we found when clearing out the garage on Saturday?? Yup No.1 bracelet! It must have been pulled off at some point when I was raking in there all those months ago!

Now, if we could just find the ring I lost in the garden 2 weeks ago when weeding, life would be sweet!

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