
By LadyFindhorn

Sitting It Out

The rain set in early this morning and the initial umbrella that I grabbed at the door on the way out failed at the first opening and was discarded in a skip leaving me to get wet until I reached the shops.

Umbrellas tend to be uncertain commodities in this part of the world. If the wind doesn't do for them or they are left on a bus or a cafe, then the constant opening and shutting ruins the mechanism and ensures that they make unfaithful companions.

However with the rain still insistent, I bought a new one, light, colourful and expensive- a girl's umbrella in fact which means there will be no male users. That might be good as I have a horrible suspicion that the one I binned in the skip belongs to Cairo boy.
I may well have to replace it.

Daughter#3 and family made it back from Stornoway this morning after an enjoyable weekend at the music festival there, but having heard enough fiddle music to last them for a while.
They had a tour of Lewis and Harris with a friend, seeing more of the Hebrides than I ever have and stayed with someone who turned out to have been at school in Edinburgh with daughter#2.
They say it's a small world and so it is.

My book group tonight is discussing "The Family Album" by Penelope Lively.
I enjoyed it but found it a bit near the bone in parts.

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