SAH on Blipfoto

By sahfotoblip

Blip break...

This was my last blip... 2 weeks ago as of tomorrow.

I've been a bit slack with keeping up!

But there have been reasons...

Work... visit north... and then I was ill.

All last week a stinking summer cold on top of hayfever... not a good combination.

I find it difficult to try and find a blip when I am working because of the profession i'm in and the whole nanny state thing. So I end up blipless.

This weekend has been exciting... think I may have found a new car... just got to thrash out the deal tomorrow. The deal has got to be right or I will walk away.

I am working tomorrow but I think then I will be officially on summer holidays. Woohoo

Then next Sunday... this time next week we'll be in the air South Africa bound... and I'm only a little excited... mmm ok LOTS!!!

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