All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

More tummy time

We've had one of those days today where we don't seem to have done much for most of it, yet it has flown by. We're still having lots of internet problems so hubbie spent much of the morning trying to resolve those. Seems to be ok again for now, but based on past experience I'm not holding my breath!

By mid afternoon though, I was going a bit stir crazy. As it seemed fairly dry and warm outside we decided to go to the Heritage Centre. It's the first time hubbie has been there but I persuaded him to buy an annual pass too so we can have lots more family days out there. It was good to have the 2 of us there showing Ethan things as I spotted things I'd missed when I went there recently with some other mummy friends. Hubbie carried Ethan for a while, whilst I pushed the pushchair. This meant he could see more easily too and he was enthralled by lots of the animals and baby chicks. We had another go on the trampolines which he loved again but then it started to rain, so we headed home.

Although I did take lots of photos at the Heritage Centre, my favourite one of today is him doing some tummy time. He may look happy here, but he still detests tummy time and only lasted about 3 minutes before throwing a strop!

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