365 NVR

By nathk


Long lie-in followed by late breakfast of scrambled eggs on toast. Another few friends arrived today so now a full house of eleven of us.

A really lovely day filled with eating, drinking (perhaps a little too much...), croquet, sunbathing, relaxing by the pool and walking the seven dogs. The dogs are so noisy and boisterous but so much fun! We had a fairly heavy downpour at around six so we all retreated indoors for gin and tonics and trivial pursuit. We then had a big roast dinner and lots of wine before heading back to the sitting room for games. Charades eventually descended into Ring of Fire which saw off about half of us. I stood strong though and ended up sitting out on the terrace (with another amazing fire) until 5am... fantastic day.

I love the tea farm. I would like to live here forever.

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