
By baldywilson

Livingstone Daisies Get a Visitor

I was in our back garden this afternoon, and noticed that one of our fresh pink Livingstone Daisies was in a nice spot of sunshine. These are (to my mind, anyway) rather odd flowers, in that they only seem to flower briefly, when in direct sunlight. So upstairs I trotted to grab the camera and stick the macro lens on it, while expecting to get outside and see the light gone.

Which is precisely what happened. Fortunately, however, I noticed this rather odd insect making itself at home in the daisy. I have no idea what it is, but it seemed completely unperturbed by the lens pointing at it's compound eyes. Ideally, I would have liked to got in closer, but there was just too much wind in the garden so getting a fast enough shutter, and keeping the focus steady proved too difficult.

If anyone knows what this insect is, I'd love to know: the last time I took a picture of a pretty insect, it turned out to be a lilly beetle, that went on to decimate our lilies...!

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