
By Chook


Awake at 645am thanks to Yes, Yes Man.
Cab to Crododylus Park in time for the first feeding.
Big crocs.
Leaping crocs.
Bigger crocs.
Thousands and thousands of little crocs.
C takes up the chance to hold a (small) croc.
All hungry mid-morning.
J and C have a croc burger.
I'm less keen and settle on a regular beef burger.
Turns out to be the better tasting option.
Wander around looking at the rest of the animals.
Feel pretty sorry for the lions and tigers cooped up in tiny cages.
Cab back into town.
Driver warns us about the 11 metre crocs we're likely to encounter on our trip.
A little larger than the 7 metre maximum the Crocodylus ranger spoke of.
Lazy afternoon.
Two US Navy ships have docked in Darwin.
The town is overrun by marines.
Head to Mindil Market.
Not much of interest in the market itself.
Good foodstalls though.
Thai takeaway.
A whole lot of licorice.
Eat our dinner on the beach watching the sunset.
Back to our hostel.
Plans for a quiet beer and chat at the tables outside our room curtailed by the invasion of the most boring man of all time, and by Yes, Yes Man rambling on about how the 'Japs' are going to come back and bomb Darwin Harbour again.

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