
By Instography

Swiss Cheese

Another fairly lazy start to the day. We went to local part-time shop that sells local bread, cheese and beer to buy some bread, cheese and beer. Then off for another lazy walk - drive from Filisur to Bergun about 5 miles away, take the train 1 stop uphill to Preda and then walk back down again to Bergun. We saw the first bit of daytime rain, which was nice since it meant that it wasn't a complete waste of effort carrying a brolly and taking along a tarp to provide a bit of shelter for lunch. As you might expect, as soon as the tarp was up, the rain stopped and shortly after, the sun came back out.

As we were walking I saw the train approaching the viaduct and couldn't resist the cheesy combination of water, viaduct, red train and mountain.

On the walk back down we came across the embers of a fire at one of the Schweizer Familie campfire sites. So we decided to get it going again just for the sake of it.

Walking back into Bergun it seemed like a wee bit of a ghost town, trying to keep itself busy between ski seasons. Back to the house for a homemade curry and a beer.

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