Chick Flick

By Flick


I have been given a pedometer by far today I have done 11,234 steps and received 2 text messages asking me how many steps I have walked. Despite the fact that she is at work and there is a fair distance between her desk and the coffee machine she has done significantly less steps than me .. everything is a competition with her.
I made sure I walked to Abigail's house to visit a poorly Henry today. I walked to the Charity shops first to get him a little toy, Then once I arrived I walked up and down her long garden many times. Then I walked back to the charity shops to get a video of Jungle Book for H to watch in the afternoon (cost 75p) ...then I walked back to Abigail's house. Then I walked all the way home.
Then I walked with Scarlett around the park and by the time she left she still had another 2,000 steps to go to reach the magic 10,000 steps we are all supposed to walk to maintain weight and a healthy heart... (snigger)
Tomorrow I may even fiddle with the sensitivity button and jump and jiggle up and down ..(snigger)
H was a very poorly boy today it also was very dark in his house (hence the noisy picture) as it was raining.
This is him holding a largish ball bearing ..which he then dropped and I walked to get it.

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