Milo and Chino

Haven't blipped them for a while now, so, I reckoned today is their day! ;-)

We are on a strict diet with R jnr. He is working out at the gym, with a personal trainer, R snr just felt it is an investment in his son's future to help him get rid of that 'World of Warcraft' flab!! Eisch!! I will be starting Pilates classes at the same gym on Monday. I hope it will really be therapeutic for my arthritis, I am actually confident it will be!

It's been two weeks now, and I must admit, we all feel better and start seeing results on the bathroom scale!! Luvvvvv it! C sees to it that we eat properly balanced, filling meals and NO cheating, but it is funny how we don't really crave, I think our diet is really well balanced, or the mindset is positive!

She decided we are allowed to have a wee bit bigger piece of BBQ?d T-bone steak with jacket potato and green salad today for lunch, yummy!! Milo and Chino were very glad to have the bones to chew on afterwards!! ;-)

In this picture Chino is really enjoying her bone, while Milo watches her. Milo's bone is a few metres behind her, she only started chewing when I left, suppose she was too proud to loose her dignity while I was watching!! Hehehehe!!

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