Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Californian Poppies


Been on my feet since I stepped out of bed :-) Bedding now washed and dried and the big job of the day - clearing the garage- has been completed. When we moved in there was a lot of stuff in boxes which we didnt really need. 3 years was still there along with a lot of "oh just shove it in the garage" stuff.

The garage is now neatly laid out. The christmas boxes are easily reached as is the blow up bed. In the middle is a pile of stuff destined for a boot sale, so if anyone needs a 3 seater sofa, TV, micorwave, kettle, rather <cough cough> attactive gold candelabra styleee lighting, some lamps, kettle, iron etc etc, pleae let me know!

Theme for today was yellow. So we have a golden yellow californian poppy. These little buggers will grow anywhere. Self seed and just pop up. With dead heading they will last till the frosts come. Long slender seed heads which can be scattered hither and yon for the following year. They dont always come true and sometimes you will have a white or a pink ones appearing in amongst the yellow heads :-)

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