
By PlanW

You're the one for me, Fatty

Been shopping. Hate shopping but said I'd pick something up for someone I'm seeing tonight who lives on t'other side of town. Sometimes doing things you dont want to do teaches you something. Here's what I learned on my journey of discovery today.

- TKMaxx uses fairground mirrors
- You should NEVER let me in Poundland with a) more than £2 or b) a Switch card
- People who buy 'stocking fillers' in Poundland in July are losers ( ... ahem)
- Yes, it probably IS a real Hermes Kelly bag seeing as the woman carrying it just got into a new Aston Martin parked next to me ... in Lidl.
- Pet shops sell 'hygiene pants' for dogs
- Once you've asked a pet-shop-boy (?) the way to pill-dispensers you will not get 'The Days of Pearly Spencer out of your head all day'. If I was cleverer I'd stick a link to that in like all the other smartypantses on here.

Off to a Come Wine Dine with Me night with the chicks tonight. Going to unveil my new Golden 'No Drink After Midnight' Rule, presently untested but I'm quietly confident. Got a few things to do this afternoon as tomorrow will be written off and going to sneak in a strategic snooze now. Night night.

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