Daily Vision

By terryb


Yesterday, I promised to post something interesting with my new lens. When I bought the lens I waffled back and forth about getting a dedicated macro lens but I didn't do it. Just went for a fast 50mm lens and ordered a set of extension tubes for doing some macro work.

With my travel schedule today I really didn't get a chance to go out and explore. However, when I got home the extension tubes were waiting for me. I've never used them before so tonight was just messing around and trying them out. So, I spend the evening in my apartment rocking back and forth to develop good technique to nail the focus.

I'm really happy with my decision to forego the macro lens right now and keep the kit smaller and more flexible.

Also I needed to do a backblip from Wednesday....after the beer I got sort of sleepy :) and didn't post up my blip.

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