This Side Of Paradise

By kateleeharvey

You do it this way Harvey.....

Harvey got a much needed lesson today on how to do everything from his little friend Alice. She showed him how to mow the grass, eat his crisps and go on the bouncy castle. Through all of the England matches and today the world cup final we have took it in turns to entertain each other at our houses and watch it all together. Its a chance for the kids to play together, the women to drink pimms and the boys to be 'boys' and do boy things and shout at the telly. Today was no different. The food was excellent, the company even better and the kids all played really well. Us ladies took our kiddies home before the football started as it was a Sunday night and the boys stayed to watch the footie.

We havnt had anyone at our house.... oops ! But we wasn't very well for two weeks so couldn't. We have promised to do a bbq at some point and have everyone round to make up for it.

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