Old Bat

By OldBat

thistle and the crown of thorns

Practising retirement again today, so investigated bus routes from SQ to Linlithgow. It didn't start well, when the direct bus went past me at the stop because it didn't have a number on the front, so it was only as it was passing that I saw the number. So back home for a while and then off for journey no. 2 which involved going to Kirkliston on one bus and changing to another. That went well, and coming home I caught the direct bus because I knew it was the bus with no number on it!!

Took loads of photos for myself inside the Palace, ad then went blip hunting. Quite a lot of them turned out well. They seemed to fall into 3 categories: Art, reflections, and aw! so cute. The one posted here is the Art one, the reflective and aw! so cute are posted here, if you want to see them.

The crown of thorns is on top of St Michael's Parish Church by Linlltihgow Palace.

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