Art Miller

By artmiller

Clear up -- or clear out!

We`ve got five trees in the garden. They keep growing. Every year I have to risk life and limb and get up the ladder to cut `em. This year I retired and lost my big company estate car. In the past I`d cut two or three trees in one weekend and then cram all the branches in the estate and lug `em off to the dump.

But now we`ve had to buy our own -- much smaller -- car I`m more careful about putting rubbish in it to go to the dump. So my new boss -- he, he -- advised me to only cut one tree at a time so that the branches going to the dump didn`t fill up and mess up the new motor.

So at 7.30am I was out there trimming like a gooden, up the ladder, wobbling about in the gusty wind. I dragged all the branches to the front of the house for later despatching to the dump.

I then returned to the garden to clear up. But I live with a perfectionist and my clearing up ain`t her clearing up.

I was loading the last of the leaves into the cart when she came out and gave me a right royal roasting. As you can see from this Blip that my neighbour dared to take as he leaned over the fence to see what all the sreaming and shouting was about, I`ve left some leaves still on the lawn. My excuse was that my new red baseball cap got in my eyes so I couldn`t see all the leaves. The boss wasn`t having any of that!

So now it`s cleared up and I`m off to the dump -- and might possibly get seriously held up on the way home... if you know what I mean -- slurp, slurp...


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