Shade of Promise

By shade

A Sad Soul

Meet Thomas, another life devoured by the beast known as man. Who is this sad soul really? What could he have become? Maybe he would have become a great painter, or maybe a great musician. What about a famous film maker, or a famous puppeteer? Could he have been a best selling author, or a rising lawyer? A master surgeon? Or maybe just a very hard worker, who would do his job, at the local library. Unfortunately, we will never know what might have been, because he was caste aside by the vultures that run the circles. He was told he didn't have enough experience, and no one was willing to give him that experience. Why couldn't they take a chance to see if he might have the natural skills needed? Why couldn't they see that experience isn't everything? No, they caste him aside never giving him a chance to prove himself. Forcing him to never dream again. What now? Now he sits alone, off the side of the road, wondering what he could have done differently. Slowly wasting away, wishing his life had turned out different. A warning to all in a position of power.

See more of Thomas and his friend Scott by clicking on the links, and to see them on another person's Blip click here.

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