All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Quack Quack

I've been feeling a bit run down the past few days - guess it's summer cold time of the year. Luckily, although Ethan was up twice during the night last night, hubbie brought him through to bed at 6am when he got up for work and Ethan then slept with me till just before 9am. We had a lazy morning and didn't even get dressed till 11am!

We were supposed to be meeting a friend and her baby today but she texted me to say she was choked with the cold too, so we decided to cancel. Instead, I packed up a car load of Ethans things and we drove through to Beith to stay with Granny & Grandpa for a night or two.

Had a difficult time getting him to sleep tonight. His cheeks were bright red and he had tears rolling down his cheeks. Not sure if it's teething (although we've been saying that for months now) or if he was upset being somewhere different. Or possibly a combination of the two. Still, we'll wait and see how tonight goes!

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