Gifts of Grace

By grace


Around the corner from my house is this wonderful community resource. It's the Red X book sale, open every Wednesday afternoon. Helensburgh being a reasonably affluent small town it is stacked to the rafter with just about every book you could want from the latest fiction, to classics, to text books, reference books, books on art, poetry and plays, gardening, cooking, biography. You name it, they've got it. Just like a real bookshop, only the books cost pennies not pounds and are almost always immaculate. I use it as a sort of library, paying a small fee for a pile of books that catch my eye and returning them in due course. I only go once a month as it is impossible to come away without a stack of books that I didn't know I wanted till I saw them. This is maybe one twentieth of their stock. It is run by volunteers who are extremely knowledgeable and always cheery. Every town should have one.

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