
By mar

That's the way to do it!

That's the way to do it!
~Punch and Judy

Saturday and Sunday was all about the Wolverhampton Show at West Park
Click here for a lot more really good photos.

Michael was asked by the organizers to help with a puppet events area. To be completely honest, there's a lot of stuff happening lately and I can take no credit in what a fabulous weekend Michael organized. What is even more amazing is that he managed to organize everything while dealing with the end of year stuff that is going on at work.

There were 5 performers, an exhibition, a puppet making workshop and an old time travelling show. The organizer was very impressed and already asked Michael to help with next year show. Although the weather stayed on our side for the whole weekend, it was very tiring as we had to set up and take down everything both days - but it was worth it all just for the amount of smiles and conversations the puppets seemed to invoke in people of all ages.

Sleep is for wimps.

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