Digging 6: Underwater Archaeology
Well, nearly.
A load of water fell out of the sky this morning. Lashing down, it was, which is not a great thing for an archaeological site. Especially a site where everything is dug into, or sitting on, a sticky clay geology.
A twenty metre walk over the clay to get to the area that you are digging causes your boots to increase in weight by about 5 kg each.
Every slight depression in the ground, and all the larger holes we have excavated, were full of water by the time we started.
I didn't even take the protective material off the skeletons this morning, but instead excavated some drainage and service trenches that were put in last century. It was a job that was always going to need doing, and not critical for understanding the site...in such grotty weather, mistakes are easily made.
Also, my head was not in photo mode today, it was all about survival and trying to get the job done. I took only one photo.
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