Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

DIY love affair...........

...... another day, another flatpack. i have to say that this one wasn't too awkward at all.....in fact i seem to be getting quite good with these things and the instructions that look like hieroglyphics and words that were penned by tom wolfe on a bad trip.
never mind thats one more thing done in the wee yins room and yes it really is that pink...EVERYWHERE.......it's like living inside a marshmallow. not my cup of tea but she is only three and shall hopefully grow out of it at some point.
took this shot through the decorative loveheart that sits atop this new wardrobe just for something different...a new perspective on an old topic of mine, DIY.
not too bad either as i have the day off tomorrow...prob not that great as she who must be obeyed is off to, which means more DIY jobs shall be found......well they need done i suppose and i do need a good kick now and again when the motivation drops.
a quick congrats to my former boss (referred to in my sept 14th blip) who, if the text alert i got today is accurate, completed the berlin marathon. she flew over a couple of days ago for it, so once again congratulations to her for what is to me a massive achievement.

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