
By Drysailor

Hurricane Damage

We had a Hurricane hit us about 11 this morning, The sky turned dark, as with a Thunder Storm, then the wind hit with such a force it blew me into the neighbours hedge! Then came the rain, like a Monsoon, in seconds I was soaked to the skin, anything not fixed, and some that were fixed, were blown everywhere. Our Sunshade, 3 metres by 2, was torn out of the ground and blew over 50 metres into our neighbours garden. Luckily the only damege was to our roof, in transit it tore off a couple of Ridge Tiles.Also the Sunshade is now firewood and cloth! Good thing it didn't hit anyone or thing during its flight!
The Blip is of the Cycle path, now blocked by a large Walnut Tree that was split during the windy period. Think the whole tree will have to be felled as it is so badly damaged.

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