My Photographic Footprint

By Theodora8

Work of Art

Today was a day spent in an ex Turkey shed, with the other art stands at the Woodlands Organic Farm Open Day.

There was a long table set up for everyone to put down their favourite thing about the farm, in either text or pictures onto postcards.

I was sitting at my stand, armed to the teeth with pens, ink, knives, stampers, and a fan. (I really needed one).

I looked over as the families came and went, all drawing a postcard which will then be distributed in the veg boxes, after hanging in the Art Shed. The children were delighted to see their work go up, and to have so many art supplies to play with.

Very highly bred fluffy rabbits hopped round, (courtesy of the Sleaford & District Rabbit Club), bees buzzed in a cross section of a comb at the end of the room, it was quite a busy shed.

I looked up at about three from my penning and saw this beautiful little girl drawing in an almost Victorian way. Full concentration, and a lovely old fashioned look, quite timeless.

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