Ralph Cooper

By ralphcooper


The sun came out at about 16:00 today, but it's clouded over again now.
But at least it's not raining.

Fortunately I managed to sneak into the garden for a blip while the sun was out.

Took a few pictures, including some of the sunflower bud which has not progressed much.

Also a few shots of the first blooms on one of my Chilli plants.

I have to 'fess-up though.
It's a plant that I bought.

Yet again, the ones I am growing from seed are proceeding at a rate measurable in geological terms!

I also took some of a mahoosive spider on our windowsill.

It measured a whopping 12mm or so from toe to toe.

Lord knows how I managed to avoid camera shake.

(Note to Mr Attenborough.... you can keep your job!)

Anyway I settled on this one of some Lavender my wife is growing.

Conveniently it is in a pot, so I cheated and positioned it to allow me to set it against the sky. (Shhhh!)

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